
Guide to the Microfilm Edition

Collection Summary


这个缩微电影版本包括埃尔布里奇·格里, 从马萨诸塞州历史学会的各种收藏中提取的,以及 托马斯·R. 格里、塞缪尔·罗素、塞缪尔·罗素·格里和小塞缪尔·罗素·格里.

Biographical Sketch

埃尔布里奇·格里(1744-1814)作为政治家有着漫长而杰出的职业生涯. 他是个手语手 起草《og体育平台》和《og体育平台》,并派代表出席国会 虽然他不支持最终的文件. Elected to 国会 1789年,他作为使者被派往大革命时期的法国,在那里他是一个核心人物 in the XYZ affair. 1810年至1811年,他担任了两届马萨诸塞州州长和副州长 president under James Madison from 1813 until his death.

Collection Description

这个缩微电影版的大部分由埃尔布里奇·格里收藏的各种藏品组成 马萨诸塞州历史学会,以及其他手稿中有关格里的论文 og体育官网,它们按时间顺序插入对应的第一个 5卷. 这些添加的收藏品在电影中被识别出来.

The microfilm also contains the papers of Gerry's son 托马斯·R. Gerry (1794-1845); navigation books kept in 1706 和 1710 by Samuel Russell (1687-1725); 和 the papers of Samuel Russell Gerry (1750-1807) 和 Samuel Russell Gerry, Jr. (b. ca. 1784).

Acquisition Information

Gifts of Frances Gerry Keene2月. 1917; Albert Gallatin, New York, N.Y.1月. 1962; Mrs. 威廉·W. Hoppin, New York, N.Y.2月. 1962; 威廉Gerry Keene, 4月. 1964; 和 Russell W. 骑士,4月. 1965, 1966, 1967, Mar. 1979.


The Elbridge Gerry letterbook on 卷5 has been published as Elbridge Gerry's Letterbook: Paris, 1797-1798 (Salem,质量., 1966), edited by Russell W. 骑士.

这个收藏的黑白数字图像——由缩微胶卷制作而成——是 available as part of History Vault: Revolutionary War 和 Early 美国, a digital resource from ProQuest. 这 resource is available at subscribing libraries; speak to your local librarian to determine if your library 访问. 卫生部也 provides access onsite to the Society's contributions to this resource; see a reference librarian for more 信息.

Digital facsimiles of the Gerry-骑士 papers II (Ms. N-1285) 和 the log of the ketch 祝福 (Ms. N-1278) are available on 生活在 海, a digital publication of Adam Matthew Digital, Inc. 这 digital resource is available at subscribing libraries; speak to your local librarian to determine if your library 访问. The MHS makes this resource available onsite; see a reference librarian for more 信息.

Detailed Description of the Collection

Elbridge Gerry correspondence, 1744-1895

Arranged chronologically.

电话号码:. N-1278; Ms. N-1279; Ms. N-1284; 和 items from other og体育官网.

埃尔布里奇·格里的大部分论文都是私人信件和专业信件. 在众多的记者中有詹姆斯·沃伦,梅西·奥蒂斯·沃伦,詹姆斯·沙利文,托马斯 杰斐逊、约翰·亚当斯、塞缪尔·亚当斯、特里斯特拉姆·道尔顿、约瑟夫·特朗布尔、威廉·戈登、弗朗西斯 Dana, James Lovell, John Wendell, Joseph Hawley. Subjects include: a smallpox epidemic in 波士顿(1774),独立战争的运动,对英国封锁波士顿的反应, 美国军队的物资运输和士兵的工资,行为和 军官的晋升,革命战争医院的条件,将军. 约翰·伯戈因的 萨拉托加投降,巴黎条约,马萨诸塞州和国家政治,早期 美国的财政问题,og体育平台宪法的辩论,与法国的战争 格里派往巴黎的外交使团,杰斐逊和麦迪逊政府,路易斯安那 Purchase, 1812年战争. The letters of Mercy Otis Warren refer to her historical research 和 writings, as well as to personal matters.

Family correspondents include Gerry's brothers Thomas Gerry, Jr. (b. 1735)和塞缪尔 Russell Gerry (1750-1807). 格里给他的儿子妻子安·汤普森·格里(1766-1849)的信 Elbridge Gerry, Jr. (1793-1867), his daughters Ann (1791-ca.1884) 和 Eliza (1791-1882) 描述他担任副总统期间在华盛顿的社交生活,并包含有关的新闻 1812年战争. Included are papers of Gerry's father, merchant Thomas Gerry (d. 1774) of 马布尔黑德,质量.

1812 - 3月. 1822
4月. 1822-1895

Elbridge Gerry letterbook, 1797-1801

电话号码:Ms. 作为- 187.

这 letterbook was kept by Elbridge Gerry while serving as a U.S. minister to France, 1797-1798. 格里给妻子安·汤普森和女儿安和伊丽莎的信讨论了他的故事 巴黎之旅,各家庭成员的健康状况,以及格里和约翰的谈判 Marshall, 查尔斯 C. Pinckney with French Foreign Minister Talleyr和. 信 约翰·亚当斯总统和托马斯·杰斐逊总统(1798-1801),显然是由 格里的女儿安,关注XYZ事件和随之而来的与法国的战争.


托马斯·R. 格里的论文, 1768-1853

电话号码:Ms. N-1285.

These papers consist primarily of the correspondence of 托马斯·R. Gerry (1794-1845), 详细描述了他在美国海军护卫舰上担任海军军官候补生的经历 国会, 星座, 约翰·亚当斯; the sloop 伊利; 和 the ship 塔特. Papers include family correspondence concerning births, 死亡,婚姻,旅行,以及偶尔对当代政治人物的评论 问题.

Digital facsimiles of the Gerry-骑士 papers II (Ms. N-1285) are available on 海上生活, a digital publication of Adam Matthew Digital, Inc. 这 digital resource is available at subscribing libraries; speak to your local librarian to determine if your library 访问. The MHS makes this resource available onsite; see a reference librarian for more 信息.


Samuel Russell Gerry 和 Samuel Russell Gerry, Jr. 论文, 1756-1895

电话号码:Ms. N-1281.

These papers of 马布尔黑德,质量., merchants Samuel Russell Gerry (1750-1807) 和 his son Samuel Russell Gerry, Jr. (b. ca.1784) contain correspondence 和 business accounts related to 贸易与毕尔巴鄂,西班牙,巴达维亚(雅加达),印度尼西亚等港口. 在 通讯员是各种各样的商人、代理商和其他个人,包括约瑟夫·加尔多基 & 儿子,管家 & 马修斯,费城商人乔舒亚·豪厄尔,波士顿商人塞缪尔 Parkman, John Rose Greene, Catharine Gerry. Papers include Samuel Russell Gerry, Jr.'s orders 和 letters from Isaac Hull while serving as sailing master in Portl和, Maine; family 和 business correspondence of Elbridge Gerry 和 Thomas Gerry; 和 correspondence of the 威廉Gerry Keene family of Lynn, Mass., 1884-1895.


Samuel Russell navigation books, 1706, 1710

电话号码:Ms. N-1278.

这些插图笔记本由塞缪尔·罗素(1687-1725)保存,描述了各种各样的 sailing 和 navigating problems.

Digital facsimiles of the log of the ketch 祝福 (Ms. N-1278) are available on 海上生活, a digital publication of Adam Matthew Digital, Inc. 这 digital resource is available at subscribing libraries; speak to your local librarian to determine if your library 访问. The MHS makes this resource available onsite; see a reference librarian for more 信息.


Samuel Russell Gerry ledger, 1769-1802

电话号码:Ms. N-1282.

塞缪尔·罗素·格里(Samuel Russell Gerry, 1750-1807)保存的这份账簿详细记录了他的个人生活和生活 business transactions.


Samuel Russell Gerry journal, 1769-1791

电话号码:Ms. N-1282.

塞缪尔·罗素·格里(1750-1807)保存的这本记帐日记详细记录了他的个人生活 business transactions.


Samuel Russell Gerry, Jr.、账簿; 1820-1828

电话号码:Ms. N-1282.

这 account book of Samuel Russell Gerry, Jr. (b. ca.1784) includes invoices from his service as master of the brigs 华盛顿查尔斯 & 艾伦.


Samuel Russell Gerry, Jr.letterbook, 1831-1843

电话号码:Ms. N-1282.

这 letterbook of Samuel Russell Gerry, Jr. (b. ca.1784) contains copies of letters he 从巴达维亚(雅加达)写信给麻萨诸塞州的商人,讨论他们的 cargoes, as well as letters he wrote from 马布尔黑德,质量., to other merchants 和 captains, 包括上校. 威廉G. Blackler (1803-1880).


Preferred Citation



这 collection is indexed under the following headings in 阿比盖尔, the online catalog of the Massachusetts Historical Society. 研究人员 欲知有关人士、组织或主题的资料,请查阅本目录 using these headings.


Adams, John, 1735-1826.
Gerry, Ann, 1791-ca.1884.
Gerry, Ann Thompson, 1766-1849.
Gerry, Elbridge, 1793-1867.
Gerry, Samuel Russell, 1750-1807.
Gerry, Samuel Russell, b. ca. 1784.
格里,托马斯,d. 1774.
Gerry, Thomas, b. 1735.
格里,托马斯·R., 1794-1845.
Jefferson, Thomas, 1743-1826.
Russell, Samuel, 1687-1725.
Townsend, Eliza Gerry, 1791-1882.
Warren, Mercy Otis, 1728-1814.


Family history--1700-1749.
Family history--1750-1799.
Family history--1800-1849.
Family history--1850-1899.