
ca. 1837-ca. 1873




这部文集包括五卷温斯洛的手稿 家族历史,由波士顿商人艾萨克·温斯洛和他的女儿玛格丽特·凯瑟琳撰写 温斯洛. 包括摘录从家庭通信,日记,和其他 论文.



年2月2日,艾萨克·温斯洛出生于波士顿. 1774年,商人和保皇派艾萨克的儿子 温斯洛(1743-1793)和玛丽·戴维斯·温斯洛. 1795年和1796年,他两次出海 超级货物,前往欧洲和地中海. 一回到波士顿,他就开始了 他是一名商人,总部设在长码头多年. 2月24日. 1801, he 与玛格丽特·布兰查德(1777-1830)结婚,他们的孩子包括:艾萨克(b. 1802), 爱德华(b. 1803),威廉·亨利(1805-1821),托马斯·萨维奇(b. 1807年),本杰明·波拉德 (1810-1879)、乔治(1812-1865)和玛格丽特·凯瑟琳(1816-1890). 在他妻子的 1831年6月16日,艾萨克与她的妹妹亨丽埃塔(1787-1858)结婚. 他死在罗克斯伯里 1856年7月26日.




温斯洛家族的纪念物由波士顿商人撰写的五卷手稿组成 艾萨克·温斯洛从1837年开始,并在他死后由他的女儿玛格丽特继续 凯瑟琳·温斯洛. 第一卷、第二卷和第三卷的大部分都是由以撒写的 温斯洛; the end of 第三卷 through 体积V were written by 玛格丽特 凯瑟琳·温斯洛. 纪念馆将家族史和家谱、个人回忆录、政治评论、 和目击证人对历史事件的描述. 1620-1839年,包括美国人 大革命,法国大革命,拿破仑战争,1812年战争. 纪念馆 包含摘录从家庭通信,期刊,和其他文件; newspaper clippings; and revisions and annotations. 这些主题包括:早期 马萨诸塞州的历史,美国独立战争的起因,波士顿之围,保皇党 难民,萨德曼教堂,天花和其他疾病,商业和国际 贸易、联邦制和反联邦制、奴隶制、大萧条和自杀. 包括一个 叙述了艾萨克·温斯洛作为一名超级货主在欧洲和地中海的旅行 1795-1796. 纪念碑中描述的家庭成员包括艾萨克的父母艾萨克·温斯洛 (1743-1793)和玛丽·戴维斯·温斯洛,他的妻子玛格丽特·布兰查德·温斯洛,他的儿子威廉 亨利·温斯洛,以及相关的斯帕霍克、戴维斯、波拉德和布兰查德的成员 家庭.

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罗伯特·纽森的礼物,10月. 2010.


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温斯洛家族的悼词于2009年至2010年由温斯洛博士(Dr. 罗伯特·纽森 加州大学欧文分校. 的详细描述中的链接 下面的og体育官网访问纽森的转录和每卷的详细描述. 为方便整个og体育官网的关键字搜索,个别转录为 所有五卷已合并为一个PDF文件 在这里 (622 pp, 2.41 MB).




点击这里 罗伯特·纽森(Robert 纽森)对本卷的详细描述(PDF). (6 pp, 95.4 KB)
点击 这里是纽森对这本书的翻译(PDF). (146 pp, 647 KB)
注:各页的抄写相对应 每一章都在下面的括号中注明.

前言8 pp. [有关这些页面的转录,请参阅第一卷的PDF。 (上面的链接),第344页. 9-12.]

温斯洛家族纪念物的历史,艾萨克写纪念物的原因,还有 家庭和祖先的重要性.

箱1文件夹2 - 3
第一章28 pp. [有关这些页面的转录,请参阅第一卷的PDF。 (上面的链接),第344页. 13-25.]

艾萨克的父亲艾萨克·温斯洛(1743-1793),他的性格,教育,家庭,和 incidents in his life; his marriage in 1770 to 玛格丽特 Sparhawk, her death in 1772, and his subsequent 抑郁症; his second marriage in 1772 to Mary Davis (1757-1800).

第二章6 pp. [有关这些页面的转录,请参阅第一卷的PDF。 (上面的链接),第344页. 26-29.]

温斯洛 and 戴维斯的家庭 members; Robert Sandeman's ministry in Boston and religious 争议.

第三章6 pp. [有关这些页面的转录,请参阅第一卷的PDF。 (上面的链接),第344页. 30-32.]

Isaac's family life; the education and character of his mother Mary Davis 温斯洛; their 首页 in Dock Square, Boston; the family's religious and political involvements; 革命前的党派之争和他父亲的忠诚情绪.

第四章12 pp. [有关这些页面的转录,请参阅第一卷的PDF。 (上面的链接),第344页. 33-39.]

温斯洛家族的早期成员,他们在新英格兰的定居,以及在他们的 lives; the connection between the 温斯洛s and Anne Hutchinson.

箱1文件夹7 - 8
第五章29 pp. [有关这些页面的转录,请参阅第一卷的PDF。 (上面的链接),第344页. 40-52.]

艾萨克的曾祖父爱德华·温斯洛(1669-1753),萨福克郡长的信件 County, to his son Joshua; the Massachusetts charter of 1692; political and religious affairs in Boston in the early 18th century; Edward 温斯洛's religious beliefs; the development of the smallpox inoculation; the persecution of Native Americans by white settlers; the character and religious beliefs of Isaac's grandfather Joshua 温斯洛 (1694-1769); Joshua's wife Elizabeth Savage 温斯洛 (1704-1778) and her escape with other Loyalists to Nantucket at the start of the American Revolution; the effects of 抑郁症.

第六章13 pp. [有关这些页面的转录,请参阅第一卷的PDF。 (上面的链接),第344页. 53-58.]

Letters of Isaac's father Isaac 温斯洛 (1743-1793) and other family members; fears of smallpox in New England; the "gathering storm" of 革命; the role of 人类事务中的理性和舆论.

箱1文件夹- 11
第七章26 pp. [有关这些页面的转录,请参阅第一卷的PDF。 (上面的链接),第344页. 59-72.]

修道院院长雷纳尔和美国革命的起因,包括商业和 religious considerations; the reasons for the Pilgrims' emigration to New England; the 神职人员对殖民政府的影响及1692年的影响 Massachusetts charter; the rising power of the House of Representatives; Pope Day (1765)、波士顿大屠杀、波士顿倾茶事件和其他民众起义; taxation without representation; psychological motives for revolution.

第八章10 pp. [有关这些页面的转录,请参阅第一卷的PDF。 (上面的链接),第344页. 73-78.]

The political leanings of family members during the American Revolution; the Loyalists' evacuation from Boston; the effects of the Port Bill and non-importation agreements on business; correspondence with Simon Pease, merchant of Newport; Gen. 托马斯·盖奇接替托马斯·哈钦森担任马萨诸塞州州长.

箱1文件夹13 - 15
第九章39 pp. [有关这些页面的转录,请参阅第一卷的PDF。 (上面的链接),第344页. 79-96.]

政府. 托马斯·盖奇的管理和议员和官员的任命; the Provincial Congress; the preparation of the militia; the power of the Committee of Safety; the battles of Lexington, Concord, and Bunker Hill; the death of Isaac's uncle Joshua; correspondence of Isaac's father during the Siege of Boston with his friend Colburn Barrell, a Loyalist who fled to London; Barrell's escape and worry about friends in Boston; the effect of the siege on business and religious practice; skirmishes and captured ships; smallpox inoculation; the departure of the 温斯洛s and other Loyalists, including the Sandemanian Society, to Halifax; the dispersal of the family and fates of various family members; the family's return from Canada to New 1778年的约克.

第十章52 pp. [有关这些页面的转录,请参阅第一卷的PDF。 (上面的链接),第344页. 97-119.]

与革命期间流亡的保皇派家庭成员的通信,包括 Isaac's great-uncle Isaac 温斯洛 (1709-1777); letters from 政府. 托马斯•哈钦森; financial difficulties for Loyalists and worries about friends; the effect of the war on religion; compulsory military service; letters from Sir William Pepperrell (1746-1816) in England; the possibility of reconciliation between England and America; Lord Cornwallis' surrender at Yorktown; deaths in the 温斯洛的家庭; European 政治问题.

第十一章22 pp. [有关这些页面的转录,请参阅第一卷的PDF。 (上面的链接),第344页. 120-130.]

英美统治下的美国人之间的通信以及对 interception; family letters; news of military campaigns, including the Penobscot Expedition; the marriage of Lucy Flucker and Henry Knox; the difficult winter of 1779-1780 in Boston; divisions in the 温斯洛的家庭 due to politics; the despotism of the House of Representatives and the confiscation of estates; Quakers' opposition to 革命.

第十二章36 pp. [有关这些页面的转录,请参阅第一卷的PDF。 (上面的链接),第344页. 131-146.]

The family's voyage from Halifax to New York and incidents of Isaac's childhood; his grandfather William Davis, who had been a prisoner of war in Boston; the family 首页 on Long Island and Isaac's early education; damage from the Great Fire of New York in 9月. 1776; the difficult winter of 1779-1780; a girl named Rose, enslaved by his mother; the terms of the Treaty of Paris, fears of Loyalists in New York, and popular prejudice against them; various family members.



点击 这里是罗伯特·纽森对这本书的详细描述(PDF). (6 pp, 92.9 KB)
点击 这里是纽森对这本书的翻译(PDF). (125 pp, 593 KB)
注:各页的抄写相对应 每一章都在下面的括号中注明.

箱1文件夹22 - 24
第一章53 pp. [有关这些页面的转录,请参阅第二卷的PDF (上面的链接),第344页. 3-20.]

The 温斯洛 house and family connections in New York; incidents in Isaac's childhood; the end of the war and harsh policies toward Loyalists; the family's departure for Connecticut and adjustment to life in the country; Isaac's father's desire to return 访问波士顿期间,他受到了接待,并与奥巴马州长会面. 约翰·汉考克; his correspondence with Mary Davis 温斯洛; the family's move to Boston in the summer 1784年与姨妈苏珊娜·温斯洛(1731-1786)住在一起.

箱1文件夹25日- 27日
第二章49 pp. [有关这些页面的转录,请参阅第二卷的PDF (上面的链接),第344页. 21-41.]

波士顿的家人,包括苏珊娜·"苏基"·温斯洛和玛格丽特·萨维奇 Alford; changes in Boston and the development of Beacon Hill; Isaac's education at Boston Latin School under Samuel Hunt; the family's move back to Dock Square; a mob's 对船长的攻击. 亨利·斯坦霍普 in retaliation for alleged mistreatment of prisoners during the war; Stanhope's 与政府的通信. James Bowdoin; members of the Sparhawk家庭; a man named Cato, enslaved by 玛格丽特 Savage Alford; problems related to the emancipation of enslaved people; Isaac's graduation and the reasons he didn't attend Harvard, but went 转而做学徒.

箱1文件夹28 - 29日
第三章28 pp. [有关这些页面的转录,请参阅第二卷的PDF (上面的链接),第344页. 42-53.]

各种家庭成员,包括莎莉·廷·温斯洛(后来的沃尔多),本·戴维斯,和 约书亚·洛林·温斯洛(1766年?-1820); the institution of marriage; George Washington's 11月访问波士顿. 1789; an influenza epidemic; news of the French Revolution; the captain of a London trade ship accused of smuggling; the assumption of state debts by the federal government and its effects; Federalists and Anti-Federalists.

箱1文件夹30 - 31
第四章36 pp. [有关这些页面的转录,请参阅第二卷的PDF (上面的链接),第344页. 54-70.]

The state of business; an outbreak of smallpox; financial, personal, and religious 艾萨克的父亲艾萨克·温斯洛(1743-1793)承受的压力及其对他的影响; religious faith, sin, and conscience; the beliefs of the Sandemanians.

第五章28 pp. [有关这些页面的转录,请参阅第二卷的PDF (上面的链接),第344页. 71-85.]

艾萨克的父亲艾萨克·温斯洛(1743-1793)的抑郁和 his death; the religious implications of suicide and the effect of his death on 桑德曼协会的成员,包括Mr. 豪和先生. 汉弗莱斯.

第六章38 pp. [有关这些页面的转录,请参阅第二卷的PDF (上面的链接),第344页. 86-107.]

Correspondence about the death of Isaac's father and the grief of the family; the settlement of his estate; Isaac's social life, hobbies, and friends; the "vicious propensities" and "sinful indulgences" of some young people in town; billiards; Isaac's friendship with his cousin Eliza 温斯洛; various family members; the 路易十六和玛丽·安托瓦内特的死刑及其对公众同情的影响 the French Republicans; George Washington's Proclamation of Neutrality; Robespierre; 1794年艾萨克启程前往欧洲.

第七章42 pp. [有关这些页面的转录,请参阅第二卷的PDF (上面的链接),第344页. 108-125.]

Isaac's feelings on going abroad and the danger of capture by Barbary pirates; the 航行困难,船长. Hans Heysell's tyrannical style; Isaac's arrival in Lisbon and passage to Alicante; his 首页sickness and inexperience in business; trips to Genoa, Leghorn, Florence, and Pisa; Italian art and architecture; an anatomical exhibit; social customs and accommodations; departure from Leghorn, via Spain, and the voyage 首页.


作者:艾萨克·温斯洛和玛格丽特·凯瑟琳 温斯洛.

点击 这里是罗伯特·纽森对这本书的详细描述(PDF). (4 pp, 86.7 KB)
点击 这里是纽森对这本书的翻译(PDF). (65 pp, 386 KB)
注:各页的抄写相对应 每一章都在下面的括号中注明.

框2文件夹1 - 2
第一章35 pp. [有关这些页面的转录,请参阅第三卷的PDF (上面的链接),第344页. 4-17.]

Federalists, Anti-Federalists, and the ratification of the Jay Treaty; the improvement in Isaac's social standing after his European trip; his departure for a second voyage and an encounter with a Tunisian corsair; passage to Naples; war between Algeria and Denmark; conflict between Isaac and Capt. Jacobson; business matters and America's treaty with the Barbary powers; expenses, accommodations, and customs in Naples; scenery and sights; fears of French invasion; the treaty between France and Rome; the voyage 首页.

第二章14 pp. [有关这些页面的转录,请参阅第三卷的PDF (上面的链接),第344页. 18-24.]

以撒从欧洲回来后的财务问题,包括财产的分配; 法国对其他国家的优势地位以及法国人捕获美国船只 privateers; the situations of various 温斯洛s; yellow fever in Boston in 1798.

第三章21 pp. [有关这些页面的转录,请参阅第三卷的PDF (上面的链接),第344页. 25-36.]

The poor state of foreign trade; Isaac's brother Thomas 温斯洛 (b. 1775)和他的 玛莎·“帕蒂”·温斯洛姨妈. 1816); his professional prospects, social position, and strong religious views; the deaths of his cousin Eliza 温斯洛 and his mother Mary Davis 温斯洛; his engagement to 玛格丽特 Blanchard; the pitfalls of autobiography; 桑德曼社会,它的历史,以及它对婚姻和孩子的看法.

第四章12 pp. [有关这些页面的转录,请参阅第三卷的PDF (上面的链接),第344页. 37-44.]

在桑德曼社会之外结婚的并发症. [注:在这一点上,以撒的女儿继续叙述 玛格丽特.艾萨克·温斯洛(1774-1856)og体育平台死亡的通信 of Mary Davis 温斯洛; the effect of his parents' deaths on him.

第五章15 pp. [有关这些页面的转录,请参阅第三卷的PDF (上面的链接),第344页. 45-53.]

Correspondence to 玛格丽特's father Isaac in 1800; the Handfields of Dublin; the 伊丽莎·温斯洛、凯瑟琳·温斯洛(皮斯)·马尔伯恩(1735-1817)和玛丽的角色 温斯洛·哈金斯.

第六章11 pp. [有关这些页面的转录,请参阅第三卷的PDF (上面的链接),第344页. 54-59.]

苏珊娜·阿特金森姨妈(1750-1796)?)和其他Sparhawk的关系; 玛格丽特的姨妈伊莉莎·温斯洛(后来的皮克林)和叔叔约翰(b. 1779年),约书亚(b. 1785), and Benjamin; the difficulties facing an elder brother.

第七章10 pp. [有关这些页面的转录,请参阅第三卷的PDF (上面的链接),第344页. 60-65.]



玛格丽特·凯瑟琳写的 温斯洛.

点击 这里是罗伯特·纽森对这本书的详细描述(PDF). (8 pp, 98.9 KB)
点击 这里是纽森对这本书的翻译(PDF). (151页,770 KB)

温斯洛 genealogy and various family members; family correspondence; the marriage of 艾萨克·温斯洛(1774-1856)和玛格丽特·布兰查德,他们孩子的出生,以及 their life at 首页; financial matters; household servants; letters from Joshua Pollard Blanchard (1782-1868) at Tobago, 1801-1803; states admitted to the Union and America's rise on the international stage; the Napoleonic Wars; Republicans, Federalists, and the influence of French politics on American government; conflicts with England leading to the War of 1812; the Louisiana Purchase; religion; illnesses and deaths among family and friends; naval battles, the Treaty of Ghent, and the surrender and imprisonment of Napoleon; Napoleon's character; the 温斯洛 首页 on Leverett Street; the Monroe Doctrine; an outbreak of typhus fever in Boston; the succession of George IV; the Missouri Compromise; a duel between Commodore Stephen Decatur and Captain James Barron; 玛格丽特的兄弟威廉·亨利·温斯洛(1805-1821)的去世和他们的悲痛 mother; Boston landmarks; daily activities of the 温斯洛的家庭 as described in a journal by Isaac and 玛格丽特 Blanchard 温斯洛, 1823-1828; the characters and prospects of 玛格丽特's brothers; the Marquis de Lafayette; the presidential election of 1824; 波士顿四月大火造成的损失. 1825.

玛格丽特·凯瑟琳写的 温斯洛.
195 pp.


玛格丽特·凯瑟琳写的 温斯洛.

点击这里 罗伯特·纽森(Robert 纽森)对本卷的详细描述(PDF). (6 pp, 91.6 KB)
点击 这里是纽森对这本书的翻译(PDF). (135页,646 KB)

温斯洛 and Pollard genealogy; daily activities of the 温斯洛的家庭 as described in a journal by 玛格丽特 Blanchard 温斯洛, 1828-1830; her poor health and stay in Newton with her sister Henrietta (1787-1858); family correspondence; journeys to New Hampshire, Vermont, Connecticut, and New York; parties and visits with friends; the election of Andrew Jackson; the death of George Washington Adams; 温斯洛 property in Marshfield and Plymouth; Harvard commencement; the good deeds and character of Samuel Sparhawk; the death and funeral of 玛格丽特 Blanchard 温斯洛; a tribute to her and to William Henry 温斯洛 by 艾萨克·温斯洛(1774-1856); Isaac's marriage to Henrietta Blanchard and other marriages; grandchildren; a meteor shower in 1833; the family business and the Panic of 1837; poetry.

玛格丽特·凯瑟琳写的 温斯洛.
191 pp.




这个og体育官网在下列标题下进行索引 阿比盖尔的在线目录 马萨诸塞州历史学会. 研究人员需要有关相关人员的资料; 组织或主题应该使用这些标题搜索目录.






波士顿(质量.)——历史——围攻,1775 - 1776.
家族史,1700 - 1749.
家族史,1750 - 1799.
家族史,1800 - 1849.
法国——历史——革命,1789 - 1799.
马萨诸塞州-历史-殖民时期,ca. 1600-1775.
美国——历史——革命, 1775 - 1783——的原因.
美国——历史——革命,1775-1783——个人 叙述.
美国——历史——革命, 1775 - 1783——难民.